Our Story

DreamServ is the the product of a creative father's idea that sought to eliminate the messy hassle of serving ice cream. 

Our ice cream scoops were an idea that was brought to life by Charles Crowley. When Charles' children were young they ate LOTS of ice cream for dessert. It became an almost nightly routine in their household. Charles grew tired of constantly having sticky knuckles after serving and having to nearly break down the carton to get out the last bit of ice cream. There wasn't a single ice cream scoop on the market that would fix these problems. He figured that he might as well fix this problem himself!

Charles is an extremely creative man. After brainstorming his idea - he got to work! He spent many hours in his shop after his children were tucked away in bed for the night. Charles would head out to his shop to continue "whittling on his wooden spoon". His solution was to create a long enough handle that would both reach the bottom of the container, and eliminate the chance of sticky knuckles. This scoop also needed to be sharp enough to slice through the most frozen of ice cream.

Charles' idea soon became a reality. Thus, DreamServ was born.